

 Today we are going to talk about SELF ! :p

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 what is Self?
Self is the communication happens within on individual. Every question asked here are all related to 'you' yourselves. For example, "who are you?" , "what do you want to be?".

The area of self can be widen into 4 categories:
- self-concept
- self-awareness
- self-esteem
- self-disclosure

1. Self-concept

Image result for self concept

This is about how you think and see yourself. It is a view of your own image of who you are. It is all about you from external to the internal part of you. There are a few areas that affect self-concept like:
Social Comparison

-adjusting own thinking and image to fit the society.

 Other's image of you

-comparing self with others.

-you set your own standards( 'good-bad' list) on how you want to judge and evaluate certain things.

Cultural teachings
-the beliefs, values, and attitude that have been instill from the culture

2. Self-awareness

Self interpretation & evaluation

This is the process where you are aware of your abilities and discover personal development. Johari Window can be used to determine the four selfs of us which contains of :

Open Arena
- Known by others and self

Blind Spot
- Known by others but not self

Hidden Self (Facade)
-Known by self but not others

- Known by no one

3. Self-esteem

This is the assurance and confidence you have for yourself.

4. Self-disclosure 
This is to let people know things about you that they wouldn't know.

