
Principle of Verbal Messages Part 1

1. Message Meanings are in People
-People may say different words but the same meaning.
-People may also say the same words but different meaning.
For example :
" I love banana" & "Banana is my life" - same meaning, different things.
" Would you like to have a cup of tea?" & " He is not my cup of tea."- same things, different meaning.
-This is because message don't channeled through words only, but through people too.
- It could actually leads to miscommunication.

2.Messages are Denotative and Connotative
-Denotative are word's objective meanings.
-Connotative are word's subjective meanings.
For example: Blue
Denotative - Of a colour intermediate between green and violet, as of the sky or sea on a sunny day.
Connotative - Unity, Monday blue, water

- Connotative is divided into 2 categories :
Snarl words : words used to describe people which are highly negative.
eg : idiot, stupid, brainless.
Purr words : words used to describe people which are highly positive.
eg : dream, sweetie, cute.

3.Meanings depend on Context/Abstraction
Meanings are different in different context either verbally or non-verbally.
eg : How are you? can mean "Hello" and "Are you feeling better?"

Meanings can be culturally influenced.
There are 4 principles:
Principle of Cooperation : help each other to understand each other.
-this consists of 4 maxim:
 1) the maxim of quality: be honest
 2) the maxim of relation: be relevant
 3) the maxim of manner: be clear, brief, and organized
 4) the maxim of quantity: be informative
Principle of Peace Relations : keeping peace in relationship.
Principle of Face-saving : avoid embarrassing people in public.
Principle of Self-Denigration : avoid from taking all credits to yourself.

-Meanings are influenced by gender. 

 men are more direct , women are more complicated (which totally is not true)

4. Message vary in politeness

-Politeness Vs. Impoliteness
 * this can actually be affected by tone, language and who we are talking to.
For example :
 * Could you please come over here? - Polite
 * Get your "ass" over here! - Impolite ( please do not learn this )


-Directness Vs. Indirectness
 * being too direct can be often offensive and being indirect can avoid offensiveness.
For example:
 * You are ugly ! - Direct
 * You look okay but would be better if you wear something brighter. - Indirect

