
Principles of Verbal Messages Part 2

Let's continue ! :D 
So today we continued with the another two principles !

So first for today is Message vary in Assertiveness presented by my group ! :) 

5. Message vary in Assertiveness

-willing to assert to their own rights.
-assertive people are to create win-win situation.
-however, people have to be non-assertive at times.
 * eg : when your mom call you to wash the dishes but you doesn't want to. However, in order to not make your mom sad, you took up the task.
in order to communicate assertively, here are some ways:
   1.Describe the problem 
   2.State how this problem affect you 
   3.Propose solutions Confirm understanding

6. Message can Deceive

- lying : having the intention to send false/untrue information to the receiver.
 * there are 4 types of lies :
   - pro-social deception : to achieve some good
   - self-enhancement deception : to make self  look good 
   - selfish deception : to protect self
   - antisocial deception : to harm others

After all the group presentation, we have proceed with the lecture class. In today's class, Mr. Anwari taught us about confirmation and disconfirmation.

*Disconfirmation : ignores sender's message and presence.
*Rejection : unwillingness to accept what people says and does & says it out loud.
*Confirmation : acknowledging what sender has sent.

That's all for today ! :D 

