
Non Verbal Communication

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What is Non-verbal communication?

It is a communication without words like gesture, touch and tone. Even, appearance and body smell counts too. Anything basic human senses can sense other than hearing words.

What are the benefits of nonverbal communication?

-people who are good in this area always tend to have higher attraction, popularity and psychological well-being. This type of people are more often to be easy influencer.

Nonverbal communication consists of 6 functions : 
1. integrating nonverbal and verbal messages - used to form complement impression.
    * accent/emphasize the verbal message
    * add meaning to verbal message
    * contrast the verbal message
    * regulate and control verbal message 
    * substitute verbal message 

2. forming and managing impressions 
    * to be liked
Image result for forming and managing impression

    * to be believed
Image result for to be believe

    * to avoid failure

Image result for to avoid failure
    * to secure help

    * to hide faults

    * to be followed

    * to confirm self image and use it as communication 

3. defining relationships - used in different stages of relationships.
    * employers
    * normal friends
    * best friends 
    * dates 

4. structuring conversation - we give and take cues

5. influencing and deceiving 
    * influence : affirm statement, offer suppor
    * deceive : cover up lie

6. express emotions

There are 10 channels of nonverbal communication. But we only discussed 3 in class due to the lack of time. 

1. body movements - there are 5 types of body movements.
    * emblems
    * illustrators
    * regulators
    * affect displays
    * adaptors

    body appearance - influences how you communicate and how people commucnicate with you.

2. facial communication
    - degree of pleasantness, agreement, and sympathy felt.
    - there are certain facial management techniques like : 

3. eyes communication 
    - one of the most important communication.
    - its functions are :
      * seek feedback
      * signal openness
      * change psychological distance 
      * help others maintain privacy 
      * signal lack of interest

