
Chapter 6 [Part 2] - Non verbal Messages

H! Let's continue.. 

4. Spatial Message 
-Proxemic Distance 
four distance = type of relationships 
  *eg : you and boss :
          you and friend :
          male-female :

4 proxemic distance 
  *intimate (0-18inch) - comforting&protecting 
  *personal (18inch-4t) - protective bubble
  *social (4ft-12ft) - social interaction 
  *public (12ft-25ft) - strangers

has possesive on certain area/particular object 

3 territories 
   *primary = your own 

   *secondary = dont belong to you but you occupy it 

 *public = open to all

primary & secondary territories have 3 types of markers:
   *central (eg. using personal objects to reserve a seat)

    *boundary (eg. the armrest in the cinema)

    *ear (eg. carpark with the reserved car plate number painted)

markers : give a sense of belongingness and give cues to others.

5. Artifactual communication 
human made message which are based on observation

- colour communication : colour can be used to represent one psychology, behavior and perceptions.

- clothing & body adornment : the way people dress up and accessories they put on.

- space decoration : the way people decorate their private spaces

6. Smell communication
communication through odor

-Attraction messages: odor used to enhance attractiveness
-Taste: smell compliments senses like taste
-Memory : odor triggers the memories into our mind
-Identification messages: it creates an image or an identity

7. Touch communication
most primitive form of nonverbal communication

-this message can convey into:
 *positive emotions 
 *ritual task-relatedness

-touch avoidance 
 *avoid touching/being touched by certain people in certain circumstances

8. Paralanguage 
the nonverbal dimension of speech: tone, pitch, accent, volume , etc.

- people who uses this are tend to be have more effective communication with others. 

9. Silence 
communicating with no sound

-the functions of silence :
* to have time to think
* to hurt others , " cold war " in relationship
* to response threat 
* to prevent communication
* to convey an emotional response

10. Time communication 
way of treating, organizing and reacting towards time.

-3 important aspects of time 
 * past 
 * present 
 * future
- past oriented people : live in yesterday
- present oriented people : live for today, no plans for tomorrow
- future oriented people : live for tomorrow 

Culture and Nonverbal Communication

Culture and Gestures
- different culture have different meaning towards the same gesture.

 Culture and Facial Expression

Culture and Colors

Culture and Eye Communication

Culture and Touch

Culture – Paralanguage and Silence

