

No class for today , because it's Midterm day 
buck up !!

Image result for exam
Image result for ASSIGNMENT

Today class replacement for 530-730pm. it's was too late and when we class dismiss,the school is in dark. 

Mr Awarni give us see a video name -- The pursuit of happiness as our video assignment.
We need think any idea to do our assignment,goshhh! Btw,the movie is so SO amazing and i never get fall asleep haha


So, today we've studied about Relationship.

Let's start off with the relationship stages.

1. Contact
- the fist impression stage.
- perceptual and interactional contact takes place here.
Perceptual : 5 senses are involved.
Interactional : the first point of the contact.
eg. " Helo."

2. Involvement
-when closer and tighter bond is formed.
-testing and intensifying takes place here.
Testing : asking out.
eg. " Do you like orange?"
Intensifying : amount of commitment towards the another one.
eg. dating, gathering

3. Intimacy
-when you get more comfortable and familiar to the others.
-interpersonal commitment and social bonding takes place here.

-when bonds weaken off.

5. Repair
-trying to get things right in order to get back to usual.
-interpersonal and intrapersonal repairs take place here.
Interpersonal repairs : you talk about the problems
Intrapersonal repairs : consider changing self

6. Dissolution
-when bond breaks off.
-interpersonal and social separation takes place here.
Interpersonal separation : not meet anymore
Social separation : avoid each other// back to "single" status

There are 6 Relationship Theories :
1. Attraction Theory

- we all attracted to the others according to these few factors.
   * similarity - same taste, beliefs, ideas
   * proximity - people who are close to you
   * reinforcement - people who reinforce your life and personality
   * physical attractiveness and personality : attracted by people's inner & outer beauty

2. Relationship Rules Theory

    * Friendship rules :
       Normal friend, Best friend and Acquaintance have different boundaries to respect.
    * Romantic rules :
       This is for couples and lovers. Different culture have different practice.
    * Family rules :
       Different roles has different rules to follow.
    * Workplace rules :
       Different position has different rules to abide to.

3. Relationship Dialectics Theory
    * Closeness and Openness
    * Autonomy and Connection
    * Novelty and Predictability

4. Social Penetration Theory

- this is used to measure the deepness of the each topic discussed by people in different level of relationship.

Interpersonal Communication

              we've learned about interpersonal communication. What is it? Well, interpersonal communication is a communication which involve of more than 1 people.

So we will start off with the conversation process.

* well the picture speaks it all so.. haha !

There are 3 principles of conversation:

1. Principle of Turn-Taking

Turn-Maintaining : para language, eye contact
Turn-Yielding : gesture, verbal
Turn-Requesting : para language, butting in
Turn-Denying : Shake heads, look away

2. Principle of Dialogue
Dialogue = interaction that 2 person shares with one another.
eg. talking about super hot models with best friends.

3. Principle of Immediacy
Intimacy is considered with the closeness of the relationship.

As for everyday conversation, there are 4 types :

1. Small talk

- We usually uses this stage to slowly introduce ourselves into a bigger message. It can also be considered as a bridge to the conversation. It is also different in every culture.

2. Excuses & Apologies

- We always use excuses to defend ourselves. some of the usual one we use are "i didn't do it", "it wasn't so bad" and "yes,but..."

- As for apologies, we should always say it with an open heart so that people can feel the sincerity.

3. Complimenting

- Message of praise
Sending compliment.There are a 2 types of compliment, qualified compliment andunqualified compliment. Qualified compliment is real compliment while unqualified compliment is compliment which are used to get favor and to avoid from getting into trouble.

Receiving compliment. There are 2 ways to receive it which is either to accept or deny. To accept, we would just need to say thank you. To deny, we would push the compliment to the others.

4. Advice

- There are 3 types of advice (meta-advice)
  * Explore options :
     to advise to seek for alternatives

  * Expert advice (Second opinion) :
     to advise to emphasize/de-emphasize others belief and inclinations

  * Delay decision :
     to advise to delay their decision making.

We have also watched Mr Bean, who portrays good non-verbal skills. This is to actually give us a stronger understanding of the previous chapter.

Chapter 6 [Part 2] - Non verbal Messages

H! Let's continue.. 

4. Spatial Message 
-Proxemic Distance 
four distance = type of relationships 
  *eg : you and boss :
          you and friend :
          male-female :

4 proxemic distance 
  *intimate (0-18inch) - comforting&protecting 
  *personal (18inch-4t) - protective bubble
  *social (4ft-12ft) - social interaction 
  *public (12ft-25ft) - strangers

has possesive on certain area/particular object 

3 territories 
   *primary = your own 

   *secondary = dont belong to you but you occupy it 

 *public = open to all

primary & secondary territories have 3 types of markers:
   *central (eg. using personal objects to reserve a seat)

    *boundary (eg. the armrest in the cinema)

    *ear (eg. carpark with the reserved car plate number painted)

markers : give a sense of belongingness and give cues to others.

5. Artifactual communication 
human made message which are based on observation

- colour communication : colour can be used to represent one psychology, behavior and perceptions.

- clothing & body adornment : the way people dress up and accessories they put on.

- space decoration : the way people decorate their private spaces

6. Smell communication
communication through odor

-Attraction messages: odor used to enhance attractiveness
-Taste: smell compliments senses like taste
-Memory : odor triggers the memories into our mind
-Identification messages: it creates an image or an identity

7. Touch communication
most primitive form of nonverbal communication

-this message can convey into:
 *positive emotions 
 *ritual task-relatedness

-touch avoidance 
 *avoid touching/being touched by certain people in certain circumstances

8. Paralanguage 
the nonverbal dimension of speech: tone, pitch, accent, volume , etc.

- people who uses this are tend to be have more effective communication with others. 

9. Silence 
communicating with no sound

-the functions of silence :
* to have time to think
* to hurt others , " cold war " in relationship
* to response threat 
* to prevent communication
* to convey an emotional response

10. Time communication 
way of treating, organizing and reacting towards time.

-3 important aspects of time 
 * past 
 * present 
 * future
- past oriented people : live in yesterday
- present oriented people : live for today, no plans for tomorrow
- future oriented people : live for tomorrow 

Culture and Nonverbal Communication

Culture and Gestures
- different culture have different meaning towards the same gesture.

 Culture and Facial Expression

Culture and Colors

Culture and Eye Communication

Culture and Touch

Culture – Paralanguage and Silence

Non Verbal Communication

Image result for non verbal communication

What is Non-verbal communication?

It is a communication without words like gesture, touch and tone. Even, appearance and body smell counts too. Anything basic human senses can sense other than hearing words.

What are the benefits of nonverbal communication?

-people who are good in this area always tend to have higher attraction, popularity and psychological well-being. This type of people are more often to be easy influencer.

Nonverbal communication consists of 6 functions : 
1. integrating nonverbal and verbal messages - used to form complement impression.
    * accent/emphasize the verbal message
    * add meaning to verbal message
    * contrast the verbal message
    * regulate and control verbal message 
    * substitute verbal message 

2. forming and managing impressions 
    * to be liked
Image result for forming and managing impression

    * to be believed
Image result for to be believe

    * to avoid failure

Image result for to avoid failure
    * to secure help

    * to hide faults

    * to be followed

    * to confirm self image and use it as communication 

3. defining relationships - used in different stages of relationships.
    * employers
    * normal friends
    * best friends 
    * dates 

4. structuring conversation - we give and take cues

5. influencing and deceiving 
    * influence : affirm statement, offer suppor
    * deceive : cover up lie

6. express emotions

There are 10 channels of nonverbal communication. But we only discussed 3 in class due to the lack of time. 

1. body movements - there are 5 types of body movements.
    * emblems
    * illustrators
    * regulators
    * affect displays
    * adaptors

    body appearance - influences how you communicate and how people commucnicate with you.

2. facial communication
    - degree of pleasantness, agreement, and sympathy felt.
    - there are certain facial management techniques like : 

3. eyes communication 
    - one of the most important communication.
    - its functions are :
      * seek feedback
      * signal openness
      * change psychological distance 
      * help others maintain privacy 
      * signal lack of interest