
Foudation of Human Communication

Hi My beloved lecture and my fellow :D
My name is Leong Shi Chee, you can address me "Leong" from Foundation in Arts ( Sem 3), currently taking Human Communication subject. For today, we learn about the Foundation of Human Communication.

Yeah , before i begin typing let me introduce this subject, i introduce my lecturer of the subject, Mr Anwari ! It's a nice name and easy us to remember, haha.

First and foremost, do we know what is the purpose of taking human communication ?

Human Communication focuses on understanding how people communicate in various way. The purposes of human communication are to help, discover, relate, persuade and play. 

Second, what is communication that you understand ?

Communication happens when one or more person of sending and receiving messages. Communication happens always in our daily life. For example, discussing with lecture and asking for permission from parents. Even if we don't talk, communication is still going on with gestures and eye sights. There are (5) areas of communication consisting : 

1. Intrapersonal communication


Intrapersonal communication happens when you talk to yourself or self-evaluation.

2. Interpersonal communication

                      Interpersonal communication happens when we interact with the other individuals.

3. Small Group & Organizational Communication


This happens when there is a discussion happens, interacting with others and sharing experiences.

4. Public Communication


Public communication are usually practice to inform and persuade others.
For example, when the lecturer is giving lecture in a class or hall.

5. Mass Communication


Mass communication is receiving message from the media which act as the sender.

Besides we also learn about the meaning of co-culture.The meaning of co-culture is the collection of lots of different culture. Therefore, cultural perspective is important as it helps us to understand how to communicate with each another and to communicate effectively in a wide variety of intercultural situations.

In communication context, it has (4) branches which are:

1.Social  Psychological Context
It includes:
  •  relationships among participants and roles that people play
  • friendliness and unfriendliness
  • formality and informality
  • seriousness and humorousness of the situation 

                                           from the picture, we can differentiate fomality or unformality

2. Physical Context
It is the concrete environment which communication takes place - hall // room // park // etc.

For example:
A lecturer giving a lecture in a hall with 150 people and a lecturer teaching tutorial in a classroom with 30 people. The communication will be more interactive in tutorial class compared to the lecture. 


3.Cultural context
It has to do with your culture and the others. Every culture have different beliefs, values, and way to behaving.

 For example, Chinese believe that sweeping the floor on the first day of Chinese New Year is bad because it means sweeping out all the fortune and lucks out. Another example, is hand signs. Every culture have their own interpretation towards the hand signs which sometimes would cause misunderstand without us knowing it. Below are some of the meaning of the hand sings.


4. Temporal concept
This context is about the time of the day as well as the history the communication takes place.

For example, some people usually would prefer not to have any discussion in the morning as they are not fully awake for any of it. 

In communication, it consists of few components like :
1.source ( encoder) - receiver ( decoder)


2.message (can be in any form)


3.feedback and freed forward

 there are (4) types of channel :
  •  vocal (spoken words
  • visual (gestures)
  • olfactory (smell)
  • tactile (touch)

6. effects
there are (3) types of effect :
  • intellectual ( changes in thoughts)
  • affective ( changes in behavior)
  • psychomotor ( changes in physical behavior)


 Thankyou here are Chapter 1 :D

