
Leaders in Small Groups

Due to some technical problem, we are asked to do a small presentation on the topic we are going to learn today.

There are 12 roles that is inherent in group tasks:

a) Initiator- contributor
b) Information seeker
c) Opinion seeker
d) Information giver
e) Opinion giver
f) Elaborator
g) Coordinator
h) Orienter
i) Evaluator- Critic
j) Energizer
k) Procedural technician
l) Recorder
- There are 7 roles in the process of group building and maintenance roles:

Gatekeeper- expediter
Standard setter
-There are 8 roles that is inherent in the individual roles in a group:

Recognition seeker
Playboy, playgirl
Help seeker
Special interest pleader

How can a group has effective interaction and contribute efficiently?

-Interaction process analysis
-Ensuring effective member participation
-Establishing a leader in a group. 

Characteristics that a leader should have :

-Be ready
-Activate the group Agenda
-Encourage group interaction
-Maintain effective interaction
-Empower group members
-Keep members on track
-Ensure member satisfaction and welfare
-Evaluate effectively
-Manage conflict

Small group

Let's continue the chapter ! 

The power in small group :

1. Legitimate power
-rules appointed by leaders

2. Referent power
-by agreement

3. Reward power
-give rewards as encouragement

4. Coercive power
-give punishment for wrong doings

5. Expert power
-expert in the context

6. Informatiom power
- can communicate and inform best

There are 4 types of small groups ;
1. Idea-generation group

- for brainstorming
- 4 rules in brainstorming :
  *No criticization.
  *Combine and extend ideas
  *Develop wild ideas
2. Personal growth group 

-support group
-3 type of categories:
*encounter group - facilitate people
*assertive training group - increase willingness of member to stand for their own rights.
*conciousness group - help people cope problems

3. Information-sharing group

-form ideas with one another
-2 types of categories:
*educational group - contribute to academic
*focus group - increase confirmation
4. Problem-solving group
There are 6 stages of solving problem:
The 6 thinking hats are used in this stage.

Families and Small group

In every families, every member has all its own uniqueness and characteristics. 

There are 3 types of family :
1. Traditional couples
- they share the value and beliefs
2. Independent couples
- stresses on individuality
- a normal thing in this modern era
3. Separate couples 

- not family but stay together for common benefits
Every family have their way of communicating with each another. For example :
1. Equality
- every member in the family have the same love,respect and understanding

2. Balanced split
-responsibilities are spilt equally with each another

3. Unbalanced split
- responsibilities is carried out by only one family member
4. Monopoly
- one person is the authority
- the traditional type of family
From this chapter, we have actually learned that friends, families and lovers have played very important roles in one's life. Be the one people need because you would need them too. 
Without wasting much time, Mr Anwari have proceeded with Chapter 10. This group we are talking about small group.

What is the purpose of small group formation?
-having the same goals and dreams
2. Interdependence
-depending on each another to achieve an objective
3. Organization of rules
-all individual in the group have rules to follow
4. Self-perception as a group
-wanting to feel belonged

To form an effective team, these are the few qualities that are needed :
1. Specific purpose
2. Clearly defined roles
3. Goal directed
4. Content focused

The small group stages are :

Small group format :
1. Round table
- arrange in  circular or semicircular
- informal 

-eg: group discussion

2. Panel
-group member : experts
-audience infront 

-eg : talk shows

3. Symposium
-more like a presentation 

-eg : conference, seminars

4. Symposium-forum
-got Q&A sessions

-eg: manifesto,forum

Jealousy & Friends and Lovers

Today we will be proceeding with the last few relationship theory that are left and chapter 9 ! :D so let's goooo.

5. Social exchange theory
- rewards > cost
- brings huge benefits

6. Equity theory
-rewards = cost
-more on forming a professional relationship.

Everything has its pros and cons same goes to interpersonal communication. The cons of interpersonal communication is it causes jealousy to occurs. Jealousy usually happens because of envy.There are a few types of jealousy:

Cognitive jealousy 

-suspicious thinking
Eg. When your friend went out and didnt call u along. 

Emotional jealousy

- seeing someone you like do things you dont like
Eg. When your boyfriend gets so close with other girls 

Behavioral jealousy

-responses / behavioral changes that cause by jealousy
Eg. Check girlfriend's phone when she stops talking to you more

Other than jealousy, it can also cause relationship violence. It happens due to the poor maintainance of interpersonal.Some of the symptoms are  like physical abuse, verbal or emotional abuse and sexual abuse. 

Now, let's proceed with chapter 9. This chapter we are going to talk about friends,lovers and families.
We will start the post with friends. What is friends? Friends are people who have mutual positive relationship with each other like 'i like you,you like me' . 

There are 3 types of friendship :
-loyalty, willing to sacrifice
Eg. Close friends

- one give one take
Eg. Patient and doctor

- friendly relationship, no commitment needed
Eg. Neighbours, classmates.

Why do people seek for friendship?
1. Utility purpose
- to have someone to help to pursue future

2. Affirmation
- to have someone to recognize self achievement

3. Ego support
- to have someone to give encouragement

4. Stimulation
- to have someone who expand worldview

5. Security
- to have someone who wouldn't hurt you

There are 3 stages of friendship :

1. Initial contact
- impressions formed
2. Casual friendship
- spend time together
3. Close and intimate relationship
- a very close form of togetherness

There are also factors that affect the value of the friendship.
1. Cultural
2. Gender difference
3. Technology

There are 6 types of love styles.

1.eros - romantic love
2.ludus - playboy love
3.agape - selfless love
4.pragma - materialistic love
5.mania - obsession love
6.storge - friend's love


So, today we've studied about Relationship.

Let's start off with the relationship stages.

1. Contact
- the fist impression stage.
- perceptual and interactional contact takes place here.
Perceptual : 5 senses are involved.
Interactional : the first point of the contact.
eg. " Helo."

2. Involvement
-when closer and tighter bond is formed.
-testing and intensifying takes place here.
Testing : asking out.
eg. " Do you like orange?"
Intensifying : amount of commitment towards the another one.
eg. dating, gathering

3. Intimacy
-when you get more comfortable and familiar to the others.
-interpersonal commitment and social bonding takes place here.

-when bonds weaken off.

5. Repair
-trying to get things right in order to get back to usual.
-interpersonal and intrapersonal repairs take place here.
Interpersonal repairs : you talk about the problems
Intrapersonal repairs : consider changing self

6. Dissolution
-when bond breaks off.
-interpersonal and social separation takes place here.
Interpersonal separation : not meet anymore
Social separation : avoid each other// back to "single" status
There are 6 Relationship Theories :
1. Attraction Theory

- we all attracted to the others according to these few factors.
   * similarity - same taste, beliefs, ideas
   * proximity - people who are close to you
   * reinforcement - people who reinforce your life and personality
   * physical attractiveness and personality : attracted by people's inner & outer beauty

2. Relationship Rules Theory

    * Friendship rules :
       Normal friend, Best friend and Acquaintance have different boundaries to respect.
    * Romantic rules :
       This is for couples and lovers. Different culture have different practice.
    * Family rules :
       Different roles has different rules to follow.
    * Workplace rules :
       Different position has different rules to abide to.

3. Relationship Dialectics Theory
    * Closeness and Openness
    * Autonomy and Connection
    * Novelty and Predictability

4. Social Penetration Theory

- this is used to measure the deepness of the each topic discussed by people in different level of relationship.



No class for today , because it's Midterm day 
buck up !!

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Image result for ASSIGNMENT

Today class replacement for 530-730pm. it's was too late and when we class dismiss,the school is in dark. 

Mr Awarni give us see a video name -- The pursuit of happiness as our video assignment.
We need think any idea to do our assignment,goshhh! Btw,the movie is so SO amazing and i never get fall asleep haha